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Monday, February 20, 2012

Ballet Reflection

Author's Note: I wrote this piece about the hard parts about being a ballerina. My focus is my introduction technique.

Waiting behind the stage. The lights start to dim, the performance is about to start. Like any other sport all actors or dancers get nervous before they perform. As she waits behind the stage for her cue, the dancer tries to relax.  She thinks to herself how many times she has rehearsed the scene and how ready she really is. She hears her cue and gracefully dances onto the stage.  Free of any fear now, the dancer puts her heart into her performance -- smiling as she does it. All dancers and actors should be given credit for all the hard work that they have to do.

Some dancers perform in front of millions of people on huge stages. They go to endless rehearsals to perfect their performance before opening night. With all the rehearsals and classes they have to take, dancers have little time to themselves, especially dancers who have to go to school.  Even with all they do, dancers still don't receive much credit.

People may not consider dancing a sport. This is because dancers don't have to do shoot hoops or kick goals.  Even though dancing doesn't involve a lot of competition, dancing should still be considered a sport.  Dancers still have to train hard to have lower body and core strength in order to perform some of their dances. In David's Heartbeat, two dancers did a sensational dance where they performed flips and handstands. This involves more training and work then most people think.

Michael Jackson was one of the world's most famous dancers and singer. He was famous for doing amazing dance moves, such as the moonwalk. Of course, his dancing skills didn't come overnight. They took hours of practice and hard work. But, it was all worth it. Not only was he in shape most of his life, but he also became famous because of it. Dancers aren't given a lot of credit because people think that dancing isn't hard work.  In the movie The Game Plan, the main character tries to tell the dance teacher what a waste of time dance is, but comes out of the dance class sweating and sore. I feel that dance should be considered a sport, and dancers should be given the credit they deserve. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Mr. Roehl Should be my School Volleyball Coach

Author's Note: I am writing this piece on why I should get Mr. Roehl as a school volleyball coach this year. My focus is only using commas when necessary and my introduction technique.

I got it! Up goes the ball. Another pass, set, spike. The end of tryouts is slowly starting to approach. Have I done enough? The last ball comes over the net and I give a nice pass to the setter, who gives me a perfect set. Left, Right, Left, I say in my head. As I jump in the air, I hit the ball as hard as I can and it lands in the middle of the court on the other side. Was he impressed? Everyone who plays volleyball at Asa Clark should be able to have Mr. Roehl for a coach

If you want to become good at a sport you have to train with a good coach. One that pushes you harder then you think you can be pushed. One that is amazing in the sport. One that enjoys both playing and coaching. To have a good coach is the goal of every athlete around the world. A good coach knows what they are doing and knows the different abilities of all the players on the team, so they can place them properly on the court. A good coach has to be good at the sport and know their team well.

With all the different rotations and the hundreds of different rules, volleyball can be really confusing. That being said the coach of the team needs to be aware of these while their team is playing on the court. If they want to move players around on the court they have to be sure they aren't taking them out of rotation which could give the other team a point. A good coach has to know all the rules of the sport, so they are able to adjust plays if they need to.

Some people may argue that Mr. Roehl's expectations are too high for them. If you are playing volleyball simply for pleasure and the experience maybe Mr. Roehl isn't the right coach. Mr. Roehl likes to push his players to their full potential and if you don't want to be pushed and are just playing volleyball for fun then you might not want him as a coach. Some people think that volleyball is just a fun sport while in reality, it's one of the hardest sports there is. When you play volleyball even if it's just for fun, you still need to be pushed in order to be good at the sport in order to become good.

One of the most famous coaches in United States history was Vince Lombardi. He coached the Green Bay Packers for eight years and led the team to five championships. Vince Lombardi once said, " Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their players and motivate." This is a coach who knows all their players strengths and weaknesses and is able to keep them excited and concentrated the whole game. Mr. Roehl is a perfect example of a coach like this. That is why I hope I get to have him as my coach for school volleyball.

"Vince Lombardi Quotes - BrainyQuote." Famous Quotes at BrainyQuote. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. <>.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Character Analysis: Sky Mackenzie

Author's Note: This is a book response to the book: The Secrets of My Hollywood Life. It is a Character analysis of Sky Mackenzie, the bad girl in the book. I feel like it might be too much of a summary, but let me know what you think. My focuses are sentence fluency and organization.

She's always second to Kaitlin. Even her own boyfriend likes Kaitlin better. Sky was tired of always coming after her co-star. So, she did something drastic. It had to be done though, Kaitlin deserved worse. Everyone liked Kaitlin better, and Sky couldn't put her career in jeopardy. If Sky's plan works, she would finally be better then Kaitlin.

Sky and Kaitlin grew up together, and have been co-starring on "Family Affairs" since they were toddlers. They played sisters on the show, but didn't act like it off set. Kaitlin had the better part in the show; she was the good guy, so Sky was the bad guy. The personalities of the characters they portrayed began a rivalry between them. And, although both of their parents used them for their fame, Sky's were much worse. Her parents didn't care what she did, as long as she provided fame for them.

When Sky found out that Kaitlin was auditioning for the lead role in Hutch Adams' next movie, she knew she had to do something; her career can't afford for Kaitlin to become even more famous. So, Sky stole Kaitlin's sidekick. It was an innocent joke at first; Sky never knew she would find out as much as she did about what Kaitlin had been doing. Things were looking perfect for Sky, she just had to find the perfect time to expose Kaitlin.

She gets a phone call from her agent. Kailtin has turned down an offer to do a charity event at Clark Hall, and you have been asked to do it instead.  It all began to make sense. All of Kaitlin's strange absences, her secrets, and why she was so worried about losing her Sidekick. Kaitlin was on a secret hiatus. She was living a secret life, going to Clark Hall, as a non-existent person. The press would tear Kaitlin apart. Sky now had the perfect chance to expose Kaitlin and ruin her career.

Sky is waiting at Clark Hall when she sees her."You should turn your cameras on now" she whispers to the reporters. "Ladies and Gentleman, I am not the only 'Family Affairs' star in the audience. Please give a warm welcome to Kaitlin Burke!" And with a quick flick of her wrist, Sky pulls of Kaitlin's wig. Satisfied with the shocked looks and whispers of the crowd, she continues. "You've been duped. Rachel is not Rachel at all, she's Kaitlin Burke. She's pretending to be someone she's not - wearing colored contacts, a wig, dopey glasses, using a bogus accent- she's been lying to you for months."

Pleased with the way things turned out, Sky goes home satisfied. Only to be surprised a few mornings later to find Kaitlin along with Rodney and Liz. "I wanted to thank you, Skylar", explained Kaitlin, "Whether you intended to or not, you did me a big favor by pulling those stunts. That tabloid garbage was making me feel like I had to choose between acting and having a life. But you know what? I've realized I don't have to choose, Sky. No matter what you say or do, you can't make me give up my career." she continues to say, "I hope you enjoy your summer. I’m going to reporting to the Hutch Adams set to work on my next blockbuster movie.” Kaitlin turned around on her heels and walked away, leaving Sky staring after her.

It should've worked. In fact, it was a surprise it didn't. Kaitlin was practically telling America and Hutch Adams she'd had enough and wanted nothing to do with Hollywood anymore. So why did everyone still love her? And why did Hutch Adams hire her? It was too much for Sky. And it wasn't fair. Sky Mackenzie was a really misunderstood character. She gets better publicity by cheating, she's mean, and doesn't care what happens to Kaitlin or her career. Even though she seems bad, people just don't know the story behind her. Her parents don't care about her and all the Hollywood directors favored Kaitlin, her enemy and co-star, more. Kaitlin was living the life she wanted, and Sky thought as though she could never be better than her.

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