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Friday, November 18, 2011


Author's Note: I am in the middle of reading the book Matched by: Ally Condie. The book takes place in the future. In the Society, the Officials make all your decisions for you. They decide when you will die, who you will marry, and where you work. Cassia is matched with her childhood friend, Xander. Things were perfect until Ky's face flashes on her screen. Now she has to decide between the two of them. I think that it would be scary living in a world where everything is so strict and you can't make decisions for yourself. That is what I decided to write about. My focus is voice.

Have you ever felt trapped? You don't know what to think. You don't know who to trust. This is exactly how Cassia felt in the book, Matched. She has so many questions about the way they live; why can't she pick who she wants to marry, why is her death date chosen for her, why can't she pick what she wants to do? It's not fair. I think that it would be horrible living a life like that. Cassia can't make any decisions for herself.  The Officials choose everything for her. What could be worse then having your life chosen for you?

Cassia's life is defined by the rules the society has made for her. I could never live like she does. There is always someone telling her what to do, where to go, and what to think. This isn't fair. She has no choice but to do what they ask, unless she wants to cause trouble for her family. I feel bad for her. If that were me in her place, I don't know how I could survive. It's important to be able to make your own decisions.

Everyday, we make decisions. Whether it's what to eat, what to wear, or even what to watch on TV, it's still a decision. One that Cassia couldn't make. Simple decisions, ones that don't matter, Cassia still would have loved to make on her own. In our society, we are lucky to have the opportunities that we have. Cassia never had the opportunity to do most of the things that we can do today.

"Lands of Pleasure: Matched by Ally Condie." Lands of Pleasure. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. <>.


  1. I think this is a nice little response, clearly stating your ideas and opinion. This post really makes me want to read this book. And yes, I can hear your voice clearly.

  2. This sounds like a very interesting story. I think it would be horrible to have everyone make choices for you. I also like how you wrote the response. Good job!!!

  3. That was an interesting post. I agree that it wouldn't be a great world if we all have to follow someone elses decisions. You did a good job with your voice. It was intelligent sounding, and you did a nice job relating to your life. Good job!

  4. I also agree with Abbie, the world we live in today is based on the choices people have made on their own. If those little decisions were made for us we wouldn't be where we are today


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