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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Author's Note: I wrote this research essay on how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together to create balance in today's environment. My focus is making sure that my body paragraphs are on topic and have solid ideas to them.

A symbol of love, friendship, and caring, a flower is a simple way to show you care to someone. The beautiful scent and petals are an outward view of the work that goes on inside of them to keep them alive. All plants require photosynthesis and cellular respiration to survive. Without photosynthesis and cellular respiration plants, animals, and even humans could not survive. 

So what is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar, while providing oxygen to the environment. Typically, the process takes place in the plants leaves. The plant cells have molecules that absorb the light, the molecules are called pigments. Chlorophyll is the main pigment, and also gives the plant its green color. The light gives the plant energy, which it uses to convert carbon dioxide and water into food. The food is sugar glucose. The energy in glucose is used by the plant's cells.

Cellular respiration is the process by which cells use oxygen to produce energy from food. The food (glucose) is broken down in to carbon dioxide and water, then the energy is released. Cellular respiration is used by both animals and plants (in animals used mostly to maintain body temperature). 

If you buy a watch at a store, and one of the hands are missing, what can you do with it? If you don't have all the pieces then the watch can't work. It's the same thing with photosynthesis and cellular respiration. In order for them to work, they absolutely have to have each other. During photosynthesis, cells use carbon dioxide to make glucose and the cells release oxygen. During cellular respiration, cells use the oxygen to break down the glucose and release carbon dioxide.

Every time someone looks at a flower they can't even comprehend the work that the flower goes through to survive. The complex system obviously didn't happen by accident. The plant cells have to work together perfectly for both photosynthesis and cellular respiration to work or the plant will die. If all the plants died, so would all the animals that eat the plants. Eventually all the animals would die, leading to the death of all the humans. 

1 comment:

  1. I can tell that you did some great research on this topic. Great overall essay I couldn't find any spelling errors or anything else


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