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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Scientific Process: Egg Drop

Author's Note: This is my scientific process from the egg drop that I finally remembered to post. 

Problem-What is the most effective way to create a device using limited materials that will protect an egg from dropping off the staircase?

Hypothesis- Creating a device using air resistant materials will help protect the egg because the drop won't go as fast, which puts less force on the egg, when in lands.

Experimental Design-

Constant Variable: The Egg
Independent Variable:  The different devices used to protect the egg
Dependent Variable:  which device protects the egg

Each group will be given limited materials in which they must create a device from to protect an egg from a drop off of the top of the staircase in the lobby.  Each group will consist of 2-4 members, in which they all need a scientific process completed before they are allowed to enter the contest. After making the device, the groups will all drop their egg and device off of the top of the staircase.  Teams who's egg survives the drop will win a certain amount of points, along with the amount of points earned from turning in their scientific process. The team with the most points wins the contest.

Our group made it through the first round of the egg drop and into the tie breaker round.  What I noticed is that groups who were really sure of their device surviving were the ones who's egg cracked. Ours was kind of thrown together last minute, but it still survived. We put the egg inside the plastic cup and cushioned it with the tissues. Some of the groups used plastic bags as a parachute to help the device with it’s air resistance, and these groups were some of the groups in the final rounds.

Although my group didn't win, I thought that our device was going to get out in the first round. This was because we didn't have time to test the device, so I didn't know how it would turn out.  I think that the tissues helped break the fall, along with the plastic from the cup. Also, the device was dropped from the middle of the stairs, not the very top like we had originally thought it was going to be. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you logically set up the scientific process in this post. However, I am discouraged by the content in some of the sections. The hypothesis should be written using the independent variable as a guide to your educated guess. The conclusion should go in much greater detail describing research you conducted after the experiment and scientifically stating the WHY of your results. See me if you need further clarification.


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