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Monday, December 5, 2011


Author's Note: As the Holiday's are approaching, everyone is thinking about giving gifts and receiving them. I wrote this piece on the giving -- when people started giving gifts for Christmas, why they started, and what it's like today. I focused on idea development and content.

You are sitting in your living room.  Outside, snow is falling, there's Christmas music playing in the background, and everyone is smiling. While you are there with your family, you think of how lucky you are. Spending time with the people you love on Christmas.A famous Christmas pastime for most families is giving gifts. People give gifts to each other to symbolize friendship and love. 

Giving gifts on Christmas goes all the way back to the birth of Christ, when the three kings gave the gifts to Him. This was originally celebrated on the feast of Epiphany. Eventually, giving gifts was done more on Christmas then Epiphany. The original purpose of giving gifts is to show how much you care for a person.
Like, when you give a gift to someone for there birthday, you don't give it to them because you have to. It's because you care.

Some families can't give gifts to each other on Christmas. They can't afford it. But, they still show their love to each other. Although giving gifts is fun,  we can't forget the real meaning of Christmas. It's to celebrate the birth of Christ, and His love for us. Giving gifts to each other is a great way to show you care.

"Why Do We Give Gifts at Christmas?." Pregnancy and Parenting - From The Labor of Love. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. <>.


  1. Abbi,
    I thought that the idea devlopment on this piece became strong by the end of this piece. I thought that you left a lot of thing "opened ended" on this piece. I thought that you reached your goal for this piece. For next time i suggest that you work on your conclucsion. I believe that you had a great conclusion until the last sentence. You just had restated what you had ealier in the piece. Overall thought, great job!

  2. Abbi,
    I appreciate how you're incorporating advanced writing styles like the fictional narrative as your introductory technique. However, I am concerned that your goal in this piece is in idea development and content. The ideas, facts, and opinions you presented did not go in depth fully exposing your beliefs. In knowing where you and your family find your faith, you could have taken this much further in both sections of idea development and content. If you would like further instruction or ideas in how you could advance yourself in these areas, email me and I will work with you virtually.


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