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Monday, December 19, 2011

The Hunger Games

Author's Note: This is a response to the book The Hunger Games  by: Suzanne Collins.  The book takes place in the future where the government is a lot different. All children from ages to 12-18 are forced to enter their names in the drawing for tributes to participate in the annual Hunger Games. Katniss' sister Prim was chosen and Katniss panics. The Hunger Games is a fight to the death. Katniss quickly volunteers to take her place. I wrote this piece on the bravery and loyalty of Katniss. My focus is voice.

We sit together in our room, playing with our Barbie's. The two of us fight over who gets what house, the biggest car, or the prettiest clothes. But the anger doesn't last for long. We are quickly best friends again. Sitting there playing with my sister, I couldn't imagine ever losing her.  I would do anything that I could to keep her safe. What could mean more then one person risking themselves to save someone else?

Katniss loves her sister more then anyone in the world, and shows it when she sacrifices herself for her. The Hunger Games are almost a certain death. Only one person comes out alive. Katniss demonstrates the importance of loyalty and love. Her sister means so much to her that she would particpate in the horrible games for her.

If my sister, Olivia, was put in any kind of danger, I would do anything to protect her. Katniss feels the same way about Prim. For Katniss, she loves Prim so much, the thought that she would probably die never crossed her mind when she volunteered to take her place. Katniss shows that you have to fight for the things you love.

"The Hunger Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. <


  1. This was a very good response. I would just like to point out that the author's note is a little confusing.

  2. Good job writing this you really did have very good voice in this piece. Although the Author's Note was a little confusing I could still understand what you were saying. Good Job keep it up.


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