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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gone With the Wind

Author's Note: I wrote this piece about Scarlett O' Hara, the main character in the book: Gone With the Wind. I focused on Sentence Fluency in this piece. 

Scarlett O'Hara is a typical southern girl in the 1800's. She has been brought up with the ways of her society. She is vain, and spoiled, she is used to getting what she wants. This isn't the case with Ashley Wilkes. Scarlett claims she loves Ashley and begs him to stay with her, even though he is engaged  to someone else.  Jealousy is a terrible thing, especially when it will cause you to have hatred for someone or something.
Have you ever had a friend make a team, or get a part that's better then what you got? Even though, you know that you're better than them. This is the case with Scarlett. Ashley is engaged to Melanie Hamilton. A weak, skinny, girl who's not nearly as pretty as Scarlett. Scarlett's confused -- why would Ashley want to marry a girl like Melanie? Sometimes it's hard to understand why others get better things then us, even though we think we deserve it.

Scarlett knew she deserved Ashley. She was used to having every boy want her to like them. Now she wants what she can't have. Jealousy is awful in her case because now Scarlett hates Melanie. When someone is jealous like in this case, it can hurt the other person. Melanie does not yet know why Scarlett doesn't like her, but at times, it's obvious that she doesn't. Melanie loves her sister in law Scarlett and tries to please her. This case proves that jealousy is mean, and it can affect others.


  1. I liked how you focused on one main trait throughout the entire post. I think that I realized after I was done reading that you were writing about the theme of the book (Mr. Johnson made me do that once). I think it was explained well except for a few times in the last paragraph, but that was probably because I didn't read the book. Otherwise you did great!
    p.s. you might want to change the last paragraph to the same font as everything else.=)

  2. Thank you! I don't know why the font is weird -- I will try to change it back.

  3. This is an interesting response; I was a little worried about where the first paragraph was headed, as it seemed at at first to be a bit too much of a summary. Summary is the lowest, most accessible type of response to literature. Thankfully, you transitioned to a theme you found in the novel. Way to go!
    I am not really sure how you settled on the length of this piece. While I have always advised people that length does not merit good writing, it is necessary to completely explain your points, and here, it felt as though you skipped to lightly through the novel, not taking the time to explore what evidence you could have used to prove your thesis. That was a shame, and left me a bit lost, and wanting to read more. I was left hungering for your thoughts in greater detail. If you would like to discuss it further, as always, I'd love to work with you.


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