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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scarlett O'Hara

Author's Note: I just finished reading the book: Gone With the Wind. This piece is about the main character Scarlett and how she is ignored by her "friends". I focused on sentence fluency in this piece. 

Have you ever felt that you just don't fit in? That no matter how hard you try, you just aren't accepted by society. Maybe you are bullied because of it. If this is you, then you know exactly how Scarlett O'Hara felt. She didn't have the same political views as the other families in Georgia. She was ignored because of it. Bullying is a selfish way to hurt somebody, both emotionally and physically.

Scarlett is good friends with Rhett Butler. Rhett is the only person who truly understands Scarlett. This is the reason why she likes him. Unfortunately, Rhett is an outcast as well. This makes the problem with her friends grow worse. After they get married, they are both completely ignored. That is, until Melanie hears about what's been going on. Scarlett never liked Melanie, but she sticks up for Scarlett anyways. 

Ignoring someone is a mean way to bully them. It is very effective. The person bullied can be hurt by it. This was the case with Scarlett. No matter how hard she tried, her friends would never accept her for who she was. The only person who never left her side was Melanie. She was also the one to get the bullying to stop.

On average, 70% of kids are bullied some time in their life. If more people became like Melanie, the bullying would decrease. All she did was make people think about what they were doing, and they stopped. If you see someone being bullied, stand up for them. Even if the bullying doesn't stop, it would be nice to know that someone is there for you.

"CyberMentors is a Beatbullying project - How many people are affected by bullying?." CyberMentors is a Beatbullying project - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you're working on sentence fluency, specifically trying to vary sentence lengths. I would caution you about making most of your sentences short. Short, choppy sentences can be used for effect, but short, choppy sentences throughout the paper makes it seem elementary. You are a strong writer when you use all of your writing tools. In future pieces, continue working on sentence fluency and work on varying the sentence lengths and incorporating short sentences for effect.


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